Topic 3: Wrap Up Videos

Today I posted my first ever Book Wrap Up video. BookTubers seem to do these every month, some do them more often such as weekly, but most seem to do monthly wrap ups. These sort of videos are sometimes combined with a TBR (To Be Read) videos, in which case the viewer watches a recap of all the books the BookTuber has recently read with mini reviews and then they are shown the books the Booktube hopes to read next (usually over the next month).


The questions I asked this time, in the description, were:

1. Do you usually read descriptions of videos? How are these usually used, what do they usually contain?

2. What do you think of this definition? Have I missed anything?

Book wrap up: A video in which books are shown that the content creator has read (usually in the last month). Each book is shown and discussed usually with a mini review.

3. Do you watch wrap up videos from people you are not subscribed to? Do you find new Booktubers to watch through Wrap Ups?

